Velkommen på UDTU
UDTU er dit universitetspædagogikum på DTU. The overall objective of UDTU is that you acquire knowledge, methods, and tools that enable you to teach with proficiency at university level with a focus on how to educate engineers. UDTU also provides you with tools to continually develop your teaching practice and to enhance your understanding of student learning and its prerequisites.
It is necessary that the following elements are in place when you start the course:
Completion of Teaching Lab (introductory course)
- You must be booked to teach at least 3 sessions during the second half of the course
- You must be approved by your pedagogical supervisor
Ditte Strunge Sass Pædagogisk konsulent disas@dtu.dk
Adjunkter skal gennemføre UDTU for at blive kursusansvarlige, såvel som for at kvalificere sig til at blive lektorer.
Undtagelser kan gives til ansatte der opfylder alle følgende krav:
- Har et rimeligt indblik i teoretiske modeller for undervisning og læring, og har minimum tre års erfaring i at implementere disse i universitetsundervisning.
- Can plan, carry out, and evaluate student-centered teaching
- Can apply key concepts: E.g., constructive alignment, the didactical triangle, and Bloom’s revised taxonomy of learning objectives