Research project

Mapping of seabed habitats and impacts of demersal fisheries in the Jammer Bay

Photo: Torben Huus/Ritzau Scanpix
Jammerbugt. Foto: Torben Huus/Ritzau Scanpix

This project investigates physical and biological impacts of mobile bottom-contacting fishing gears on the seabed and the marine ecosystem of the Jammer Bay, Skagerrak, Denmark. Extensive geophysical habitat mapping of the seabed will inform ecosystem-based analyses of the fisheries' environmental impacts as well as resource usage and cultural and socio-economic values of the seabed habitats in the area. 


The project “Mapping of seabed habitats and impacts of beam trawling and other demersal fisheries for spatial ecosystem-based management of the Jammer Bay (JAMBAY)” focuses on the Jammer Bay in the Skagerrak between the North Sea and Kattegat.

The aims of the project are to

  • geophysically map the seabed substrates and habitats.
  • analyse and map the impacts of all mobile bottom-contacting fishing gear types on the seabed habitats, as well as their environmental and climate-related impacts.
  • analyse and map the environmental state of benthic habitat biodiversity and function, and quantify the causal relations with impacts from beam trawls and other mobile bottom-contacting gears. 
  • analyse the fisheries resources usage, value chains and socio-economic structures of all modes of fisheries operating in the Jammer Bay.
  • assess sustainability and trade-offs between fish distribution, socio-economic values and fisheries impacts on the environmental state of individual Benthic Broad Habitat Types (BBHTs) as defined in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).

The funding for the project was granted by The European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and The Danish Fisheries Agency to obtain new knowledge on the impacts of mobile bottom-contacting fishing gears on the ecosystem of the Jammer Bay, where Dutch and Belgian beam trawlers are fishing in the same areas as Danish fishers use for gill netting and Danish seining.

The project ends in December 2023. The reporting will be published in 2024.

Wawes. Photo:


The project is organised into five work packages (WP).

WP1. Geophysical mapping of seabed substrates and habitats

Lead: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)

The aims of this work package are

  • to map the seabed in a focus area in the central part of Jammer Bay in high spatial resolution and precision, and with full spatial data coverage, in order to create a knowledge-base for analyses of the seabed impacts of mobile bottom contacting fishing gears.
  • to map the seabed within the Jammer Bay with high spatial resolution and precision with a focus area exceeding 300 km2 along the survey lines in the wider area in order to obtain a general assessment of the spatial distribution of seabed substrates and habitats.

WP2. Physical fisheries impacts on seabed habitats

Lead: DTU Aqua

The main objectives of this work packages are

  • to provide spatial high-resolution fishing pressure data for all Danish and international fisheries with mobile bottom-contacting gears (beam trawl, Danish seine, fly-shooter, otter trawl) in Jammer Bay. The data will be used to calculate benthic state indicators and indicators of sediment mobilization, fuel use, carbon foot-prints and CO2 emissions for the fisheries metièr.
  • to assign landing weight and monetary value by gear type and target species, which will enable impact and resource harvest analyses, as well as spatial ecosystem-based trade-off analyses between the fisheries and specific areas and Benthic Broad Habitat Types (BBHTs).

WP3. Biological fisheries impacts on seabed habitats

Lead: DTU Aqua

The main activities in this work package are 

  • in a gradient study, to use existing and new benthic faunal data from the Jammer Bay to analyse fisheries impacts on benthic faunal biodiversity and functional traits under natural environmental and hydrographic conditions.
  • in beam trawl experiment, to investigate  the impacts in Danish waters. This includes a Before-After Control-Impact (BACI) experiment on sandy and mixed rocky substrates in the Jammer Bay to analyse the causal relations of the impacts on faunal biodiversity, functional traits, and depletion ratios. 
  • further develop benthic indicators for assessment of Good Environmental State (GES) of seabed habitats in the Jammer Bay. This includes analyses of responsiveness of faunal seabed indicators for biodiversity and ecosystem functions to bottom trawling under the natural conditions of the Jammer Bay.

WP4. Fisheries resources and socio-economy

Lead: DTU Aqua

The activities in this work package are

  • to investigate fisheries seabed habitat resources. Since 2005, cod and plaice landings from Jammer Bay have been highly variable in spite of increased quota shares. This includes analyses of changes in cod and plaice distribution and population dynamics in response to regional population trends and local changes of thermal habitats.
  • to correlate fisheries seabed habitat derived value-chains, modes of operation and life forms correlated with quota and commercial landings. The linkages between fisheries will be analysed, including multiple measures, such as landing values, modes of operation, cultural life-modes, and economic value chains related to vessel nationality and size, gear type, target species, and use of seabed habitats in the wider Jammer Bay.
  • to investigate habitat related by-catch of non-target fish and protected, endangered, and threatened species (PETS). Commercial fishers and scientists will collaboratively investigate the relationships between the spatial distribution of commercial fisheries, seabed habitat types, and protected, endangered, and threatened species in the Jammer Bay. Predictive spatial models will be developed to map the areas where bycatch risk is highest for each gear type. 

WP5. Synthesis for ecosystem-based management, dissemination and project management

Lead: DTU Aqua

The activities in this work package cover project management and dissemination as well as a synthesis of information required for ecosystem-based spatial management.

The data and model results generated in the other work packages will be integrated to inform model-based

  • analyses of seabed provision of goods and services for each mode of fishery (i.e., nationality, vessel size, gear type and key target species) in the Jammer Bay.
  • trade-off analyses of fisheries quota and income related to the environmental state and recoverability of specific Benthic Broad Habitat Types (BBHTs).
  • trade-off scenarios of different configurations of spatial closures (i.e., total, gear specific) and correlations between each mode of fishery in the Jammer Bay.

These first generation results will support fisheries and environmental management in the Jammer Bay, as well as in Danish and EU waters for implementation of the EU Common Fisheries Policy, Marine Strategy Framework Directive, Habitats Directive, Birds Directive, and Biodiversity Strategy for 2030.

Kort over havbundens overfladesedimenter i Jammerbugt.
Map of seabed surface sediments in Jammerbugt. Data has been collected by GEUS in the JAMBAY project. The focus area is fully mapped, while the screening area provides a less detailed overview of the seabed geology. Data from the seabed mapping forms the basis for calculating the conditions for benthic organisms and the effects of physical processes and impacts from fishing and other activities.
Kort over havdybder i Jammerbugt.
Map of water depths in Jammerbugt. Data has been collected by GEUS in the JAMBAY project and is part of the data gathered in connection with the geophysical mapping of the seabed. Please note that the area deepens from the coast towards the North Sea until the boundary of the Danish EEZ zone.


Each work package will produce its own report. In addition, an overarching report summarizing the main conclusions has been published. The reports will be published throughout 2024.


DTU Aqua, National Institute of Aquatic Ressources

Project lead and lead of work packages 2-5

Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)

Lead of work package 1

GEUS logo

Moreover, several consultancy companies are contributing to seabed mapping and wider fisheries impact investigations.


The project is financed by The European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) and The Danish Fisheries Agency (grant no. 33113-B-23-189).

EMFF logo


Project leader

Senior Consultant
Grete Elisabeth Dinesen
DTU Aqua